Today in the United States, companies are required to provide workers’ compensation to employees for a workplace injury. Most states require that employers purchase some type of workers’ compensation policy. Workers’ Compensation is a valuable program which assists injured employees and helps get them back to health while protecting employers from potential litigation.

Accidents happen even in the safest workplaces. On average, four percent of U.S. workers are injured on the job each year. With 144 million workers employed nationwide, the workers’ compensation sector is huge. Fortunately, innovations, new technologies, and medical advances are available to make workplace injuries less traumatic for employees and less costly for employers. Case in point: Nurse triage.

Nurse Triage as a Workers’ Compensation Tool

As noted in an article on the National Institutes of Health website, nurse triage ensures that injured employees are assessed as quickly as possible after an incident. The sooner an injured patient is evaluated by a trained medical provider, the better the outcome for both the employee and the employer. A nurse quickly addresses the employee’s injury and provides a plan to relieve pain and anxiety. Receiving medical advice early on minimizes the risks of medical complications.

Company Nurse Brings Nurse Triage Directly to Your Workplace

As noted in the Journal of Risk and Insurance, anything an employer can do to improve employee well-being adds value by lowering health insurance costs, reducing worker’s compensation claims, and reducing expenses related to hiring temporary employees to fill in for injured employees taking time off to recuperate.

Company Nurse is a value-added tool companies can use to reduce worker’s comp costs. Company Nurse is a nurse triage hotline service. Users are just a phone call away from medical triage. Company Nurse adds value by ensuring injured employees are triaged and channeled to the appropriate care providers from the very beginning. This improves outcomes by reducing the number of days an injured employee misses work. It also reduces unnecessary ER and ambulance expenses. Get bottom-line positive results with access to our 24/7 workers’ comp injury triage service.

About Company Nurse

Company Nurse helps employers address work injuries immediately. We provide medical expertise at the point of injury, so injured employees are channeled to the most appropriate level of care by qualified, compassionate and trained registered nurses. If our nurses identify an injury, we will report it to everyone on the distribution list so they can perform their respective jobs with maximum efficiency. For information on how you can experience a 20 percent reduction in reported claims, and a total claims cost savings of up to 30 percent, contact us today at (855) 488-5337.