For any employer, workplace safety and protecting employees should be top priorities. Depending on the industry, these risk exposures can vary significantly from minor falls to debilitating injuries. However, with an effective workplace safety program, employers can reduce their claim activity, and in turn, avoid impacting their experience modification factor, which leads to increased workers’ compensation insurance costs. Therefore, follow these tips for implementing a successful workplace safety program and utilize a Workers’ Compensation Injury Hotline to more efficiently manage claim activity.

Identify the existing hazards.

The existing hazards that are present in the workplace should be addressed and limited as much as possible. This also means that any environmental threats that your employees face as a result of your operations also need to be mitigated. Further, the risks from the activities and machinery the employees must use must be acknowledged. This is best accomplished with a written program explaining proper practices and training. In addition, employers are required to enforce the proper safety gear on the job.

Implement written safety processes and plans.

According to Work Safe MT, not all safety regulations require a written plan, some do, which include:

Hazard Communication Program.

Lockout / Tagout Program (energy control procedures).

Respiratory Protection Program.

Personal Protective Equipment (hazard assessment).

Bloodborne Pathogens Post-exposure Plan.

Emergency Actions Plans.

Investigate accidents immediately.

Regardless of the severity of the injury, all injuries need to be reported and investigated immediately. Determine the cause of the injury and take corrective action to prevent future incidents. Further, in order to prevent employees from suffering long-term injury or paying for their expensive medical visits, enlist the help of a workplace injury hotline. Your local experts can provide the necessary medical attention and advice on the spot in order to expedite the healing process, prevent claim activity, and keep your workers’ compensation costs low.

At Company Nurse, we provide medical expertise at the point of injury, so injured employees are channeled to the most appropriate and cost-effective level of care. We address workplace injuries at the time of injury. We provide injury triage by highly qualified and trained nurses. For more information on how we can serve your business and reduce your workers’ compensation costs, contact our experts today.